From The Shadows Hardback picturebook SECONDS SALE 25% DISCOUNT slight damage to corner of book/warped pages

Sale Price:£9.00 Original Price:£12.00

REASON FOR DISCOUNT- Either slightly damaged corner or warped inner pages- does not affect usability

As we follow a child’s journey through waking and sleeping hours, an imaginative dream world emerges from the shadows...

While providing a stimulus for shadow play, transient art, outdoor creativity and enquiry into nature, From the Shadows shows how adult reassurance and a growing understanding of the world enables us to overcome fears and approach our experiences with joy and curiosity once inner calm is restored.

The main narrative has been created using transient art methods. The dream sequences within the book are told through shadows created by placing objects onto an overhead projector. With this added element this book provides yet another dimension for inspiring creative play!

Books are designed to a square format 210x210mm



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