8 Simple ways to play with Branches, Logs and Sticks…
Clare Thompson
The bare branches on display in Winter months offer the perfect opportunity to observe structures, forms and boundaries in the outdoor natural environment! With January blues being so common in the Northern hemisphere, for anyone struggling with outdoor inspiration and motivation after the festive season, we have put together 8 simple ideas to play and create outdoors with the natural materials available to use in the Winter months! Here are 8 simple ways to play with branches, logs and sticks. Our picturebook, From the Shadows is a great accompaniment to outdoor play in Winter and it is available in our shop alongside all of our books and resources!
Large scale Transient Art
2. Transporting Branches
3. Creating dens and enclosures
4. Decorating Branches
5. Small Scale Construction
6. Weaving
7. Log Slice “Geoboards” with Nails
8. Bangles on a branch - Heuristic Play
From The Shadows picturebook is Available here in our shop…